Instructional video

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Explaining concepts in clear instructional language is often a challenge. During one of the Lifelong E-learning sessions last week at the Campus we experimented with the “In Plain English” technique. This technique tries to fight complexity with simple tools and plain language.  For example: you want to know more about ‘social bookmarking’ to improve your online knowledge management. Check out this instructional video:


Instructional video’s can be a powerful visual tool to introduce you to a specific topic. The difficult thing is to find the right video’s for the right topic. The article ‘70 signs of Intelligent Life at YouTube‘ can be your first help in search of valuable learning and training content.

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Audioblogging ?

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A lot of colleagues expressed their interest in blogging lately but had some concerns on the ‘time’-issue. I do agree that time is always a challenge and will integrate in the future blogposts some ideas that take time into account. The first idea is audio-blogging. Writing an article is time-consuming but what about recording audio-posts? Some ideas:

– interviewing subject matter experts who come to our Centre as resource persons
– document best practices and success stories of participants in their own words
– create mini audio sessions which are related to the course content
– let participants record mini audio journal entries with lessons learned from the training
– have people introduce themselves with a small audio file in the beginning of our on-line courses

(ideas inspired by Michelle Martin)

Audioblogging might be something to consider, especially if recording is even possible with your own mobile phone. This week we have planned to interview Marc Steinlin who will be facilitating the Open Space at the upcoming LED-conference. This audio blogpost will be available soon.

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Marketing distance learning courses

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We (enterprise development) have developed a distance learning course on Value Chains and are now running it with support from DELTA. We had more demand than we could respond to in this first version and do now have a waiting list for the 2009 edition.

While I think it is an interesting product, I consider that this one was not the most outstanding course compared to the other Distance Learning courses of the Centre (we could have a more intuitive web platform etc.). So I have tried to figure out what made demand so relatively strong. My preliminary answer (that I thought might be interesting for those of you that are working on distance learning platforms) is:

by Merten Sievers

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rss A lot of colleagues have heard about RSS but so far did not use it on a daily base in function of their professional activities. RSS (Really simple syndication) can be explained in a really simple way. Therefore we invited you to watch RSS in Plain English.

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Screencasts have become a regular application in distance learning programs. They capture your screen, add audio narration and usefull comments and they fit for creating interesting demonstrations or hands-on tutorials. It is becoming a popular technique for spreading high-quality knowledge at a low cost. Beth Canter gives us four reasons to use screencasts:

* as standalone tutorials, software demos, or orientation
* to clarify complex technical concepts
* to capture organizational knowledge about critical procedures or to convey expert tacit knowledge
* for beta testing a web site or software interface

[slideshare id=31246&doc=screencasting-for-nonprofit-6807&w=425]

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Online Educa Berlin

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Online Educa, the International Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Training, is an international meeting point between e-learning experts to discuss the latest developments in the field: 2126 experts from 95 countries.
ITC-ILO Delta chaired a session on the innovational use of podcasting in learning and training practices. UN Staff College brought some UN agencies together to present the outline of the 1UN Bridge project. A multi year project aimed at enhancing the Organisation’s ability to manage learning and knowledge by fostering internal synergies. This project will allow learning managers across the UN system to deploy and manage more effective learning initiatives based on a wide range of tools and materials which reflect the vast experience and expertise of the UN.
Online Educa Berlin

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Learning and Training in an audiovisual world

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Making things visual is a very important asset in learning and training activities. More and more organizations are adding audiovisual elements into their learning, training and communication strategies. Some examples:

Not only content becomes more audiovisual also training methods. Mindmapping as a powerfull tool for brainstorming and project planning and several free tools (Mindomo, Freemind) to support this. As a start it is always good to check the Period Table of Visualization methods in order to get inspiration for visual strategies in your training activities. There is already too much text into this post, so why not end in an audiovisual way with an inspiring streaming video of Hans Rosling who is debunking third-world myths through data-visualization.
