Workshop Baumgartner

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Prof. Baumgartner introduced the audience by blending general presentations with hands on excercises in (content) Learning Management systems. His general approach and thinking is reflected in his paper “the Zen Art of Teaching“. During several workshop discussions some interesting aspects came up. I will present them as “hyperlink-impressions”

– the different theoretical models on learning and teaching. Behaviorism, constructivism and connectivism. Click here for an extensive overview.
– the status of knowledge and expertise. The debate between Wikipedia and Britannica.
– the exploration of Moodle as a Learning Management System and Plone as a Content Management system
– the question how to blend e-learning with face-to-face training

Implementing e-learning is a systematic process taking into account a specific methodology. When you implement e-learning in your course it is always good to do it systematically and take into account the Five Stage Model of Gilly Salmon. Not just individual implementation but preferably part of a general institutional e-learning strategy.

model gilly salmon

The workshop ended by watching a video on web2.0 (the new architecture of the internet) and the possible implications on learning and training.


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17 anos atrás

Documents from Baumgartner are available at