What is your story?

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Tired of delivering your presentations in the same old way? Try storytelling. It is maybe one of the oldest training methods. Storytelling is a powerful vehicle which can carry information in an interesting and engaging way. With the exponential growth of emerging technologies storytelling finds now also its digital counterpart. The vehicle (called digital storytelling) equals now the variety of multimedia technologies and techniques to produce stories. The technology is off course of second importance but it gives you the practical advantage to reach wider audiences.

According to EDUCAUSE constructing a narrative and communicating it effectively requires one to think carefully about the topic and the audience’s perspective. Storytelling would therefore enhance the degree of motivation and engagement from the learner.

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informal learning

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Jay Cross states that workers can learn more in the coffee room than in the classroom. They discover their jobs through informal learning. A common assumption is that 80 percent of learning in organizations is informal. Strange enough 80 percent of organizations spending goes to formal learning if we look at the spending/outcomes paradox institutions.

The spending/outcomes paradox

The spending/outcomes paradox

In his book “Informal learning, rediscovering the natural pathways that inspire innovation and performance” Cross explores how informal learning benefits organizations. Before we explore this question in the scope of our own learning institution I let Jay Cross explain what he exactly means with informal learning:


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After an initial pilot phase of this blog it might be interesting to explore some of the keywords which are reflected in this blog. We have generated a cloud of tagwords with Wordl and the result is the following:

The Learning Lab of last week inspired us and  a lot of new ideas will be presented soon on the L&T blog in the upcoming weeks. So, the current word cloud may change in a few weeks. Any comment, feedback or suggestions on the Learning Lab are more than welcome. Just post your replies on this post !

Learning Lab on innovative training design

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From Tuesday 09/09 until 11/09 ITC-ILO will host a LearningLab in collaboration with Architects of Group Genius . This three day workshop will focus on innovative, collaborative and interactive learning and training experiences. An excellent opportunity to review our own training practice, find some inspiration and explore innovative ideas. We will use this moment to introduce this T&L blog to all ITC-ILO colleagues. These three days will create an opportunity for knowledge sharing. The T&L blog will continue that knowledge sharing experience before, during and after the workshop.

To prepare for the LearningLab, we ask you to bring an object, symbol or image that represents a powerful, unusual, meaningful learning experience that you have had. The following image might be a good start to jump into this new kind of learning experience.

What is yours?

Click here for a visual overview of the entire learning lab.