Work 4 Human Development: New Microlearning Prototype

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In the last few months we have been very busy working on an innovation project adopting micro-learning methodology.

The microlearning prototype, “A Crash Course on Work for Human Development” rethinks and broadens the concept of work that goes beyond simply jobs or employment. It aims to explain the fundamentals of the role of work in society, and the importance of decent work in promoting human development and sustainable development. This microlearning pilot is aimed to be accessible for all, which also include professionals in the UN family and ILO’s social partners, meaning governments, workers and employers of member countries.

The prototype can be found here (Best to open on a mobile device):


Have Your Say!

Our aim is to improve and create a sustainable learning solution that not only educates and inspires, but also that is applicable to your everyday life.

In order for us to better meet your training and learning needs, we invite you to take part in providing feedback on our microlearning prototype based on its design, content, and user-experience in the survey below. The information gathered from this survey will be used to improve the next iteration of the prototype.



Please provide your feedback by the end of Tuesday, June 13, 2017. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns at

For further information, we invite you to view our Prototyping Using Design Thinking Report *link:*  blog post.



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