Web2practice: emergent technologies and innovative practice

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The participatory web, one of the central themes of the Lifelong E-Learning course at ITC-ILO welcomes the downloadable web2practice guides from JISC. In a way they are related to the Web2.0 in Plain English guides which were blogged in an earlier post. It aims to help you to enhance your working and training practice by understanding the potential of web2.0 tools.


Several guides have been created. You will find the following topics

Social Media
collaborative writing

You can give feedback to these guides and also adapt them in your own professional context. Feel free to have a look at the overall project. It will be explained in the next presentation.

[slideshare id=1203180&doc=jiscconference2009-090326104317-phpapp01]

When you would like to use these web2.0 tools in a learning and training context, it might be interesting to compare these resources with the Educause series : ‘7 Things you need to know about‘. Enough ingredients to build your own web2.0 applications in learning and training.

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