Interact with your audience

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During the first Learning Link we have tested out our new audience response systems. It allows audiences to participate in presentations by submitting response to interactive questions using a handheld device. Charts and graphs are displayed in real-time which generates interesting input for rich discussion. In order to integrate this completely in the pedagogical approach of activities  we will need to explore best practices for using them effectively to enhance interaction, engagement and learning.

One of the main challenges will be the diversification of the multiple choice questions. Feel free to add suggestions for what kind of questions or variations on MC questions can be asked to the audience.

For an overview on potential application at ITC-ILO we refer to the following presentation.

[slideshare id=3015564&doc=itciloaudienceresponsesystems-100128092047-phpapp01]

Further reading

Clickers in the classroom. An active learning approach

CRS. About Clickers

Project Implicit. Experiment and tests from Harvard University on Gender, Nationality, Religion, Age, …

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