Share, Learn and Innovate

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OHCHR initiated in collaboration with ITC-ILO a coordinated knowledge management approach with the goal of making OHCHR work more effective in the fulfillment of its mandate. Based on a KM needs assessment and a review of KM approaches and practices of UN agencies ITC-ILO developed a knowledge sharing toolkit which includes methods and techniques to enhance knowledge sharing within OHCHR and through OHCHR activities. The entire project was called Share, Learn and Innovate and focused on the following objectives:

  • Improve understanding of knowledge management and knowledge sharing concepts and their relevance to OHCHR work;
  • Enhance participants’ expertise and capacity to use knowledge sharing tools and approaches in their work;
  • Strengthen a knowledge sharing culture within OHCHR; and
  • Validate the OHCHR Knowledge Sharing Toolkit and promote the use of the toolkit within their sections/field presences.

Feel free to have a look at the final version of the on-line toolkit ! Click HERE

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