DELTA is currently involved in a Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop in Gaza for UNWRA staff. This blogpost wants to invite you to take stock of all the interesting TOT-material that is available on-line. Our workshop started from a general learning cycle that throughout the training tackles all the important pedagogical/instructional parameters from the identification of your learning objectives/outcomes towards the evaluation phase. The cycle is a typical adaptation of the ADDIE-model, that we have developed together with the UN Staff College. 11:49:542017-11-02 15:04:46Training of Trainers
Innovation/ par
UNESCO, EFQUEL and several other partners launched a new initiative, called Open Educational Quality Initiative and highlights the importance of Open Educational Practices. This concept moves beyond the usual term of Open Educational Resources that mainly focussed on making content accessible. The new term has a broader focus on the quality of education and training and innovate educational practices on institutional, professional and individual level. DELTA participated recently in the European Consultative Group at the Innovation Forum in Lisbon, Portugal in order to give feedback to this interesting project.
We are moving from managing trainer focused events where experts transfer their knowledge to participants, to facilitating participants’ learning processes by supporting them develop the most adequate responses to their needs and those of their organization. This implies a radical shift in the trainer’s abilities. What counts is not to effectively transfer a predetermined message, but to help individuals with diverse needs and expectations to achieve their learning goals. In group training this is even more complex as the challenge increases with the number of participants in the group.
During the last year and taking advantage of several events and workshops, a list of tips for facilitators has been collaboratively established. The number of 92 tips has been reached, the objective is to reach 100 quickly.
Download the tips here. Will you suggest any missing idea?
e-Learning/ par
For on-line facilitation a lot of e-learning experts refer to the E-Moderation model of Gilly Salmon as a good start to structure your e-tivities. More information on the model you will find here, including the picture which you can find below.
The L&T Blog wants to update you with several facilitation models and e-moderation strategies that can inspire you. The first one is a guide published by the Centre of Educational Technology (CET). It obtains a course model, week-by-week learning activities, general guidance for the e-coaches and specific guidelines for the different learning activities. Go to the course and have a look ! Feel also free to share your e-moderation strategies. 08:06:402017-11-02 15:10:43On-line facilitation. In search for inspiring models.
DELTA is working on guidelines to ensure that learning visits (and tours) are an integral part of the learning process. The visits can be considered as a unique value our Centre can add to a training activity and we are looking for new modalities and formats to enhance the learning results.
Have a look at this concept map. (Please note that much information is contained in the notes you can find in the 2° page).
The visits are conceived as a 3-phase process: the ‘get ready’, the ‘visit’ and the ‘debrief’.
The ‘get ready’ focuses on the exchange with the hosting organization and the ILO field office;
The ‘visit’ can take different formats: multiple/elective; learning pills; multi-perspective;
The ‘debrief’ includes the work with the participants on the lessons learnt and the sharing with the colleagues on the visit’s major strengths and weaknesses.
When visiting, participants should have at hand a diary that helps them to record, jot down ideas, link concepts and draft proposal for adaptation. We are thinking of designing a simple, small and portable booklet: what items do you think should be there? Have a look at this example and tell us how you would improve it.
e-Learning/ par
The most visited post on this blog is about self-guided e-learning. For us a connection point to provide you with additional elements about this topic. We do it based on three questions you have sent to us in the last months:
1. Where can I find interesting resources on self-guided e-learning or rapid e-learning?
The Rapid E-learning blog of Articulate is an interesting starting point. You can download a free e-book with e-learning basics or you can consult their massive collection of interesting blogposts on practical e-learning tips.
2. Are there any interesting pedagogical models to shape self-guided e-learning in a more interactive way?
There are several initiatives that move self-guided e-learning beyond the linear slide-based approach. It mainly depends on what type of e-learning course you want to design. Two interesting approaches we can refer to are:
3. What does it cost and what kind of return of investment do I get ?
Difficult question and a lot of interesting answers. To start with you can consult the following article which collects data on « the cost to develop one hour of training« , based on a benchmarking exercise within the e-learning industry. For articles on return of investment we do refer to Tony Karrer, who posted an interesting collection of articles on his e-learning blog.
Feel free to send us any additional questions or comments. 10:34:532017-11-02 15:15:57More about self-guided e-learning?
Have a look at the following movie of Dan Pink on motivational research. If autonomy, mastery and purpose are the key ingredients of motivation what kind of implications does this have for instructional design, learning and training? 09:19:202017-11-02 15:16:13Motivation and Learning
e-Learning/ par
EDUCAUSE recently published an article on seven things you need to know about Open Educational Resources. A nice reminder to highlight the importance of learning materials that are freely available for use, mixing and redistribution. This can include any educational material (textbooks, e-learning modules, course readers or other learning content).
For capacity building training institutes it might be useful to have access to these digital repositories. This blogpost sums up a series of important OER initiatives that can be consulted and where open educational resources can be downloaded for free. 09:01:352017-11-02 15:16:50Open Educational Resources for development
e-Learning, News/ par
DELTA is attending and presenting at the E-learning Africa conference currently hold in Lusaka, Zambia. More than 1200, mainly Africa e-learning professionals are gathering to share, to collaborate and to learn from each other. We will microblog about the projects, presentations and workshops that will be discussed here. A lot of other e-learning professionals will be blogging as well (using the hashtag #ela2010) . In this way you all have to chance to stay connected from a distance. 14:31:082017-11-01 10:41:00E-learning Africa
Social media is becoming more and more important, also for learning and training institutions. In the upcoming ITC-ILO WebforDev course a community of practicioners will evaluate the impact of web 2.0 trends in the field of learning and training. Do we use social media in order to innovate the way we learn and train and where can it create a pedagogical added value ? Think about it and have a look at the revised version of the social media revolution. 11:57:402017-11-01 19:53:40The growing importance of social media
Training of Trainers
News, Training, Uncategorised / par is currently involved in a Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop in Gaza for UNWRA staff. This blogpost wants to invite you to take stock of all the interesting TOT-material that is available on-line. Our workshop started from a general learning cycle that throughout the training tackles all the important pedagogical/instructional parameters from the identification of your learning objectives/outcomes towards the evaluation phase. The cycle is a typical adaptation of the ADDIE-model, that we have developed together with the UN Staff College.
Open Educational Practices
Innovation / par, EFQUEL and several other partners launched a new initiative, called Open Educational Quality Initiative and highlights the importance of Open Educational Practices. This concept moves beyond the usual term of Open Educational Resources that mainly focussed on making content accessible. The new term has a broader focus on the quality of education and training and innovate educational practices on institutional, professional and individual level. DELTA participated recently in the European Consultative Group at the Innovation Forum in Lisbon, Portugal in order to give feedback to this interesting project.
Lire la suite
100 facilitation tips?
Tools for Learning, Training, Uncategorised / par are moving from managing trainer focused events where experts transfer their knowledge to participants, to facilitating participants’ learning processes by supporting them develop the most adequate responses to their needs and those of their organization. This implies a radical shift in the trainer’s abilities. What counts is not to effectively transfer a predetermined message, but to help individuals with diverse needs and expectations to achieve their learning goals. In group training this is even more complex as the challenge increases with the number of participants in the group.
During the last year and taking advantage of several events and workshops, a list of tips for facilitators has been collaboratively established. The number of 92 tips has been reached, the objective is to reach 100 quickly.
Download the tips here. Will you suggest any missing idea?
Robin Poppe
On-line facilitation. In search for inspiring models.
e-Learning / par on-line facilitation a lot of e-learning experts refer to the E-Moderation model of Gilly Salmon as a good start to structure your e-tivities. More information on the model you will find here, including the picture which you can find below.
The L&T Blog wants to update you with several facilitation models and e-moderation strategies that can inspire you. The first one is a guide published by the Centre of Educational Technology (CET). It obtains a course model, week-by-week learning activities, general guidance for the e-coaches and specific guidelines for the different learning activities. Go to the course and have a look ! Feel also free to share your e-moderation strategies.
Learning visits
Tools for Learning / par ITC ILO colleagues,
DELTA is working on guidelines to ensure that learning visits (and tours) are an integral part of the learning process. The visits can be considered as a unique value our Centre can add to a training activity and we are looking for new modalities and formats to enhance the learning results.
Have a look at this concept map. (Please note that much information is contained in the notes you can find in the 2° page).
The visits are conceived as a 3-phase process: the ‘get ready’, the ‘visit’ and the ‘debrief’.
Let us know what you think about it: what you would add, modify, erase. Contact Rodrigo ( to be activated as writer in the online map (
When visiting, participants should have at hand a diary that helps them to record, jot down ideas, link concepts and draft proposal for adaptation. We are thinking of designing a simple, small and portable booklet: what items do you think should be there? Have a look at this example and tell us how you would improve it.
Thanks for your suggestions!
More about self-guided e-learning?
e-Learning / par most visited post on this blog is about self-guided e-learning. For us a connection point to provide you with additional elements about this topic. We do it based on three questions you have sent to us in the last months:
1. Where can I find interesting resources on self-guided e-learning or rapid e-learning?
The Rapid E-learning blog of Articulate is an interesting starting point. You can download a free e-book with e-learning basics or you can consult their massive collection of interesting blogposts on practical e-learning tips.
2. Are there any interesting pedagogical models to shape self-guided e-learning in a more interactive way?
There are several initiatives that move self-guided e-learning beyond the linear slide-based approach. It mainly depends on what type of e-learning course you want to design. Two interesting approaches we can refer to are:
the scenario based learning approach & action mapping (see presentation below)
[slideshare id=398877&doc=actionmappingbasics-1210528860465639-9]
3. What does it cost and what kind of return of investment do I get ?
Difficult question and a lot of interesting answers. To start with you can consult the following article which collects data on « the cost to develop one hour of training« , based on a benchmarking exercise within the e-learning industry. For articles on return of investment we do refer to Tony Karrer, who posted an interesting collection of articles on his e-learning blog.
Feel free to send us any additional questions or comments.
Motivation and Learning
Innovation, Training / par a look at the following movie of Dan Pink on motivational research. If autonomy, mastery and purpose are the key ingredients of motivation what kind of implications does this have for instructional design, learning and training?
Open Educational Resources for development
e-Learning / par recently published an article on seven things you need to know about Open Educational Resources. A nice reminder to highlight the importance of learning materials that are freely available for use, mixing and redistribution. This can include any educational material (textbooks, e-learning modules, course readers or other learning content).
For capacity building training institutes it might be useful to have access to these digital repositories. This blogpost sums up a series of important OER initiatives that can be consulted and where open educational resources can be downloaded for free.
Lire la suite
E-learning Africa
e-Learning, News / par is attending and presenting at the E-learning Africa conference currently hold in Lusaka, Zambia. More than 1200, mainly Africa e-learning professionals are gathering to share, to collaborate and to learn from each other. We will microblog about the projects, presentations and workshops that will be discussed here. A lot of other e-learning professionals will be blogging as well (using the hashtag #ela2010) . In this way you all have to chance to stay connected from a distance.
The growing importance of social media
e-Learning, Innovation / par media is becoming more and more important, also for learning and training institutions. In the upcoming ITC-ILO WebforDev course a community of practicioners will evaluate the impact of web 2.0 trends in the field of learning and training. Do we use social media in order to innovate the way we learn and train and where can it create a pedagogical added value ? Think about it and have a look at the revised version of the social media revolution.