Training/ par
Knowledge Management and Knowledge Sharing are re-current themes that emphasise the importance we put on « the learning organisation » (Peter Senge). DELTA is currently involved in several interesting Knowledge Management Initiatives. Last year we started to give input in the KM series of United Nations Staff College « Think UN, act smart ». This resulted in a series of interesting workshops facilitated by Staff College and Geoff Parcell and Chris Collison. (Learning to Fly, Practical knowledge management for leading and learning organisations ). This year we will collaborate with the the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights on a KS toolkit that will institutionally enhance the use of knowledge sharing methodologies and technologies. This collaboration will also result in a tailor-made workshop titled: « From knowledge management towards knowledge sharing ».
Writing together in team on an article, a publication, a project or a toolkit, it more and more happens in the wiki way. If wiki still sounds chinese for you have first a look at wiki’s in plain English. Almost ten years ago the wiki way of building collaboratively knowledge started to grow slowly with Wikipedia as it’s most successful example. Now more and more organisations rely on wiki’s to support the collaborative writing process. Avoiding endless e-mail-conversations with word-documents that lost track of versions, the wiki-approach allows groups easily to work together in one document just by clicking the edit-button and start the writing process. 08:26:522017-11-01 10:11:30Collaborative writing. The world of wiki’s.
e-Learning, News/ par
The Lifelong E-Learning course received its first international quality label for e-learning for capacity building. An intense review of the entire programme through peer review of international experts took place before granting this quality label. The ITC-ILO has proven its excellence in delivering e-learning supported capacity development together with other international institutions such as the Food and Agriculture Organisation, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, the World Bank Institute and InWEnt – Capacity Building International.
The sixth edition of Lifelong E-Learning is planned in June 2011 and registration are currently open. A community of international professionals from developing countries will work, communicate and collaborate together during five weeks in a community of practice to improve technology enhanced learning within their institutions and organisations. 13:04:382017-11-01 10:18:18International Certification for the Lifelong E-Learning course
Throughout the creation of The Compass, a toolkit for the enhanced design of learning activities, it was frequently noted that contemporary methodologies starkly resemble the traditional practices of many Indigenous Peoples. In order to further explore this paradigm, Karen Moir interviewed Marc Steinlin on the matter.
Marc is the Founder and Director of Ingenious Peoples’ Knowledge (IPK) and has extensive experience working with Indigenous Peoples in the past. In this podcast, a variety of methodologies are discussed within the context of modern learning trends.
Podcasting can be used in a variety of circumstances to enhance learning activities. This example was produced with a simple Skype recording plug-in in combination with easy to use open source editing software (Audacity).
The Compass will be launched in January 2011. The launch of the on-line tool will be announced at this blog and a hard-copy will be accessible for staff from Learning Resources and Information. 22:54:082017-11-01 10:13:12augmented reality and data visualization
e-Learning, News/ par
Next week DELTA is participating and representing the Centre at Online Educa; the largest global E-learning conference for corporate, education and public service sectors, held in Berlin annualy. You will find us actively contributing and presentating at:
– the pre-conference gathering of the UNeLearn group : « Collaborating on e-learning within the United Nations Systems »
– the OpenECBcheck meeting where quality e-learning standards are currently applied on one of our courses within the field of Lifelong E-Learning
– the Battle of the Bloggers on Wednesday 2/12 where we will share and discuss our thoughts about contemporary e-learning trends
We are looking forward to this encounter with more than 2000 e-learning professionals and a wide arrange of interesting e-learning topics. 12:57:342017-11-01 10:35:03Where good ideas come from.
DELTA is currently in the final phase of the orientation toolkit, called Compass dealing with innovative learning methodologies and technologies embedded in the entire learning management cycle. One of the outputs of this toolkit is a set of instructional sheets on how to use participatory learning methods and techniques in your own context as a trainer.
The need of knowing how to use participatory learning, training and knowledge sharing methods and tools is currently present in a lot of organisations and institutions. It is one of the practical questions that we are currently capturing during the inter-agency UN knowledge fair, held now in Turin.
The experience and expertise we have used for the COMPASS we want to re-use to develop tailormade toolkits adapted to the context of other organisations/institutions. Feel free to contact us if you have knowledge sharing toolkit plans in your future agenda. 15:17:212017-11-01 10:39:22Building toolkits about learning, training and knowledge sharing.
Looking at the Internet Penetration Rates internet is becoming more accessible worldwide. However some regions do still face access issues (connectivity, infrastructure, …). An argument institutions use to put e-learning initiatives on hold. Much wiser is to walk on parallel tracks and provide alternative off-line strategies until internet access can be guaranteed. This blogpost is an invitation to join our list of off-line initiatives, useful in bandwidth poor contexts.
e-Learning/ par
Having a validated quality framework to evaluate your e-learning courses is crucial and essential. During our yearly Lifelong E-learning course we have evaluated several quality schemes such as:
Quickscan : « A quick orientation to all the relevant aspects of e-learning as part of a full assessment procedure including the entire manual that gives you access to 33 e-learning benchmarks.
Open ECBcheck: A new accreditation and quality improvement scheme for E-Learning programmes and institutions in international Capacity Building.
The last quality scheme is exactly focused on E-learning programmes in International Capacity Building. It is based on a low cost concept of assuring and certifying quality for technology enhanced learning activities. It provides international e-learning benchmarks that can be consulted through several interesting tools. ITC-ILO is actively contributing to this initiative. Have a look at the: 13:24:152017-11-01 19:54:55Quality and E-learning in capacity building
Knowledge Management
Training / par Management and Knowledge Sharing are re-current themes that emphasise the importance we put on « the learning organisation » (Peter Senge). DELTA is currently involved in several interesting Knowledge Management Initiatives. Last year we started to give input in the KM series of United Nations Staff College « Think UN, act smart ». This resulted in a series of interesting workshops facilitated by Staff College and Geoff Parcell and Chris Collison. (Learning to Fly, Practical knowledge management for leading and learning organisations ). This year we will collaborate with the the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights on a KS toolkit that will institutionally enhance the use of knowledge sharing methodologies and technologies. This collaboration will also result in a tailor-made workshop titled: « From knowledge management towards knowledge sharing ».
Collaborative writing. The world of wiki’s.
e-Learning, Tools for Learning / par together in team on an article, a publication, a project or a toolkit, it more and more happens in the wiki way. If wiki still sounds chinese for you have first a look at wiki’s in plain English. Almost ten years ago the wiki way of building collaboratively knowledge started to grow slowly with Wikipedia as it’s most successful example. Now more and more organisations rely on wiki’s to support the collaborative writing process. Avoiding endless e-mail-conversations with word-documents that lost track of versions, the wiki-approach allows groups easily to work together in one document just by clicking the edit-button and start the writing process.
International Certification for the Lifelong E-Learning course
e-Learning, News / par Lifelong E-Learning course received its first international quality label for e-learning for capacity building. An intense review of the entire programme through peer review of international experts took place before granting this quality label. The ITC-ILO has proven its excellence in delivering e-learning supported capacity development together with other international institutions such as the Food and Agriculture Organisation, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, the World Bank Institute and InWEnt – Capacity Building International.
The sixth edition of Lifelong E-Learning is planned in June 2011 and registration are currently open. A community of international professionals from developing countries will work, communicate and collaborate together during five weeks in a community of practice to improve technology enhanced learning within their institutions and organisations.
The international certificate can be found here.

L&T Podcast #1: ‘New methods of knowledge sharing?’
e-Learning, Tools for Learning / par the creation of The Compass, a toolkit for the enhanced design of learning activities, it was frequently noted that contemporary methodologies starkly resemble the traditional practices of many Indigenous Peoples. In order to further explore this paradigm, Karen Moir interviewed Marc Steinlin on the matter.
Marc is the Founder and Director of Ingenious Peoples’ Knowledge (IPK) and has extensive experience working with Indigenous Peoples in the past. In this podcast, a variety of methodologies are discussed within the context of modern learning trends.
Podcasting can be used in a variety of circumstances to enhance learning activities. This example was produced with a simple Skype recording plug-in in combination with easy to use open source editing software (Audacity).
The Compass will be launched in January 2011. The launch of the on-line tool will be announced at this blog and a hard-copy will be accessible for staff from Learning Resources and Information.
Listen here to the podcast with Marc Steinlin
Karen Moir
augmented reality and data visualization
e-Learning, Innovation / par[youtube=]
Online Educa
e-Learning, News / par week DELTA is participating and representing the Centre at Online Educa; the largest global E-learning conference for corporate, education and public service sectors, held in Berlin annualy. You will find us actively contributing and presentating at:
– the pre-conference gathering of the UNeLearn group : « Collaborating on e-learning within the United Nations Systems »
– the OpenECBcheck meeting where quality e-learning standards are currently applied on one of our courses within the field of Lifelong E-Learning
– the Battle of the Bloggers on Wednesday 2/12 where we will share and discuss our thoughts about contemporary e-learning trends
We are looking forward to this encounter with more than 2000 e-learning professionals and a wide arrange of interesting e-learning topics.
Where good ideas come from.
Innovation, Uncategorised / par[youtube=]
Building toolkits about learning, training and knowledge sharing.
e-Learning, Innovation, Tools for Learning / par is currently in the final phase of the orientation toolkit, called Compass dealing with innovative learning methodologies and technologies embedded in the entire learning management cycle. One of the outputs of this toolkit is a set of instructional sheets on how to use participatory learning methods and techniques in your own context as a trainer.
The need of knowing how to use participatory learning, training and knowledge sharing methods and tools is currently present in a lot of organisations and institutions. It is one of the practical questions that we are currently capturing during the inter-agency UN knowledge fair, held now in Turin.
The experience and expertise we have used for the COMPASS we want to re-use to develop tailormade toolkits adapted to the context of other organisations/institutions. Feel free to contact us if you have knowledge sharing toolkit plans in your future agenda.
Off-line E-learning?
e-Learning, Tools for Learning / par at the Internet Penetration Rates internet is becoming more accessible worldwide. However some regions do still face access issues (connectivity, infrastructure, …). An argument institutions use to put e-learning initiatives on hold. Much wiser is to walk on parallel tracks and provide alternative off-line strategies until internet access can be guaranteed. This blogpost is an invitation to join our list of off-line initiatives, useful in bandwidth poor contexts.
Quality and E-learning in capacity building
e-Learning / par a validated quality framework to evaluate your e-learning courses is crucial and essential. During our yearly Lifelong E-learning course we have evaluated several quality schemes such as:
The last quality scheme is exactly focused on E-learning programmes in International Capacity Building. It is based on a low cost concept of assuring and certifying quality for technology enhanced learning activities. It provides international e-learning benchmarks that can be consulted through several interesting tools. ITC-ILO is actively contributing to this initiative. Have a look at the:
– Open ECBCheck Toolset for self assessment of institutions which are running programmes.