Uncategorised/ par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/
Podcasts are digital media files, distributed on the internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and personal computers. Several instutions integrated Podcast as part of their e-learning programme.
News/ par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/
Prof. Baumgartner introduced the audience by blending general presentations with hands on excercises in (content) Learning Management systems. His general approach and thinking is reflected in his paper « the Zen Art of Teaching« . During several workshop discussions some interesting aspects came up. I will present them as « hyperlink-impressions »
– the different theoretical models on learning and teaching. Behaviorism, constructivism and connectivism. Click here for an extensive overview.
– the status of knowledge and expertise. The debate between Wikipedia and Britannica.
– the exploration of Moodle as a Learning Management System and Plone as a Content Management system
– the question how to blend e-learning with face-to-face training
Training/ par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/
Capturing the attention of your audience with a powerful presentation is not an easy thing to do. Powerpoint (or Impress, Keynote, …) are just tools and not always used at its full potential as you may see in the next presentation.
e-Learning/ par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/
Making things visual is a very important asset in learning and training activities. More and more organizations are adding audiovisual elements into their learning, training and communication strategies. Some examples:
The World Bank recently launched his YouTube-application in order to broadcast short multimedia documentaries related to its activities on fighting against poverty.
Oxfam started a Flickr-community where all its members can post Oxfam related photos.
Not only content becomes more audiovisual also training methods. Mindmapping as a powerfull tool for brainstorming and project planning and several free tools (Mindomo, Freemind) to support this. As a start it is always good to check the Period Table of Visualization methods in order to get inspiration for visual strategies in your training activities. There is already too much text into this post, so why not end in an audiovisual way with an inspiring streaming video of Hans Rosling who is debunking third-world myths through data-visualization.
https://blog.itcilo.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/Visual.jpg8291280wambekehttps://live-blogitcilo.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/itc-ilo-blog-logo-small.pngwambeke2007-09-25 10:46:502017-10-31 14:21:44Learning and Training in an audiovisual world
News/ par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/
DELTA’s blog on new learning technologies is officially launched. What’s in this blog? As the titel refers to: “Learning and Training Technology Applications”. On a weekly base there will be postings on new learning and training methodologies technologies that can be used in our programmes.
https://blog.itcilo.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/delta-blog.jpeg8531280wambekehttps://live-blogitcilo.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/itc-ilo-blog-logo-small.pngwambeke2007-09-01 15:38:162017-10-31 14:22:49DELTA entering the learning blogosphere.
The pedagogical potential of podcasting
Uncategorised / par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/Podcasts are digital media files, distributed on the internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and personal computers. Several instutions integrated Podcast as part of their e-learning programme.
Some interesting examples:
Workshop Baumgartner
News / par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/Prof. Baumgartner introduced the audience by blending general presentations with hands on excercises in (content) Learning Management systems. His general approach and thinking is reflected in his paper « the Zen Art of Teaching« . During several workshop discussions some interesting aspects came up. I will present them as « hyperlink-impressions »
– the different theoretical models on learning and teaching. Behaviorism, constructivism and connectivism. Click here for an extensive overview.
– the status of knowledge and expertise. The debate between Wikipedia and Britannica.
– the exploration of Moodle as a Learning Management System and Plone as a Content Management system
– the question how to blend e-learning with face-to-face training
Lire la suite
Training / par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/Capturing the attention of your audience with a powerful presentation is not an easy thing to do. Powerpoint (or Impress, Keynote, …) are just tools and not always used at its full potential as you may see in the next presentation.
Lire la suite
Learning and Training in an audiovisual world
e-Learning / par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/Making things visual is a very important asset in learning and training activities. More and more organizations are adding audiovisual elements into their learning, training and communication strategies. Some examples:
Not only content becomes more audiovisual also training methods. Mindmapping as a powerfull tool for brainstorming and project planning and several free tools (Mindomo, Freemind) to support this. As a start it is always good to check the Period Table of Visualization methods in order to get inspiration for visual strategies in your training activities. There is already too much text into this post, so why not end in an audiovisual way with an inspiring streaming video of Hans Rosling who is debunking third-world myths through data-visualization.
DELTA entering the learning blogosphere.
News / par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/DELTA’s blog on new learning technologies is officially launched. What’s in this blog? As the titel refers to: “Learning and Training Technology Applications”. On a weekly base there will be postings on new learning and training methodologies technologies that can be used in our programmes.