News/ par
The power of how is a capacity development initiative of UNDP and SNV. According to the website the project is a process of dialogue and evidence sharing on the mechanics, modalities and strategies of investing more effectively in capacity development, particularly at the local level and with a focus on the Asia region. 12:23:422017-11-01 19:55:33The power of how
Innovation/ par
To innovate yourself you need to be able to see the same things through different eyes (perspectives). Last week an innovation workshop was held at ITC-ILO where we learned to apply some innovating techniques on our own courses. Some of the tools and techniques we would like to share:
Test yourself:
First of all take the creativity test to measure your creativity in 8 different areas. The result visualizes your profile, compared to others that took the test. You can do the test here.
Think in functions:
If you learn to think in functions you make abstractions from the immediate context. Do the exercise with : « How to get water out of a glass, without touching the glass« . Once you have the function right (cf. moving water) you can start to explore the knowledge database that will show you how many solutions were found related to the same function. In short: do not re-invent the wheel, take stock of what exists and choose new and innovative ways that will respond to your specific need (function).
More inspiration
In order to take stock of innovations in learning and training we invite the readers of this blog to contribute with their innovations. CREAX hosted a More Inspiration Catalogue with innovative samples. Maybe we can also host our own innovation museum in learning and training.
e-Learning, News/ par
Today DELTA has launched the fourth edition of Lifelong E-Learning. In the upcoming weeks a group of 15 international participants will explore the educational landscape of new learning technologies in a collaborative way. Interesting practices that result from this group and that are relevant for this blog will be shared. If you want to know what the course is about, you can consult the screencast below. 11:55:072017-11-02 15:18:15Lifelong E-Learning and new technologies
e-Learning/ par
Probably the notion of Community of Practice (CoP) has been one of the most used concepts in the domain of learning, training and knowledge sharing. While a lot of references are made to original articles of the founding father Etienne Wenger, through this article we would like to compile key essential resources which might be useful if you are going to design and develop a community. Being a focal point for high-level in-service training and providing related services focusing on the development of human resources, ITCILO has been actively working in the design and development of communities of practices focusing on sharing knowledge throughout international networks of practitioners.
Here below you find a list of resources in different format we created or compiled from other organizations and institutions.
Communities of Practice: Learning as a Social System
This quick info sheet is part of the Share, Learn, Innovate Toolkit developed for OHCHR focusing on the following quick questions: What is a community of practice?When to use it?What technology?
Communities of Practice: Linking Knowledge, Policy and Practice
This background note by S.Hearn and N. White provides background information regarding communities in the Web 2.0 era and provides a series of considerations with reference to creating communities within and across organizations.
This presentation looks at the key ingredients, with particular emphasis on the role of the community facilitator for building trust and cooperation, enabling conversations to become active collaboration and co-production. See in particular, facilitation mechanisms, levels of engagement, community archetypes.
Click on the image to enlarge
Cultivating Communities of Practice: A quick Start-up Guide
This visual inforgraphic developed by Etienne Wenger provides in a nutshell the key steps which are necessary to follow to design, build and maintain a community.
UNDP Communities of Practice Guide
By focusing on chapter 6 of this presentation you will capture the main steps for community development, including a practical example of a CoP action plan in a development institution. 13:33:412017-11-02 15:19:08Learning through Communities of Practice- A selection of tools
Information graphics are visual representations of information, data and knowledge. It is an ideal instrument to present or communicate complex information in a simple way. This makes it also a useful tool for learning and training. It quickly conveys knowledge and it engages viewers.
In comparison with the mindmapping technique the visual factor of infographics is more important. It includes usually visual elements such as signs, charts, maps, or diagrams that enhance comprehension of a given text-based content. 22:35:372017-11-02 15:26:55Visualizing with Infographics
DELTA is currently contributing to a learning event on South-South cooperation in Cartagena, Colombia. To explore new formats of organizing events we want to try out the backchannel. As the name suggests it’s an additional channel of communication which takes place in the background to the main channel which in the case of learning events is occupied by speakers or panels of experts The backchannel is projected at a second screen next to the main screen where participants can send messages, comments, feedback or questions.
Training/ par
The After Action Review is a structured facilitated process that can be used to debrief an activity or event to analyse what happened, why it happened, and how it can be done better by the participants who were involved in the activity or project. This method can be considered either as a knowledge management tool or a performance improvement tool. Both stimulate a culture of accountability.
News/ par
Created by Online Education 09:19:592017-11-08 14:41:53a day in the internet
Innovation/ par
The first blogpost of 2010 wants to look into the already present future through exploring the potential of augmented reality. It consists in a mix of elements from the real physical world with elements from a virtual computer generated world. Through these virtual elements the reality is augmented in real-time. Tom Caudell, a Boeing researcher defines it as following: « Augmented reality is the interaction of superimposed graphics, audio and other sense enhancements over a real-world environment that’s displayed in real-time. » For a lot of learning professionals this may sound quite technical. This is why we introduce the following movie which explains some practical learning applications based on augmented reality.
The power of how
News / par power of how is a capacity development initiative of UNDP and SNV. According to the website the project is a process of dialogue and evidence sharing on the mechanics, modalities and strategies of investing more effectively in capacity development, particularly at the local level and with a focus on the Asia region.
On innovation and creativity
Innovation / par innovate yourself you need to be able to see the same things through different eyes (perspectives). Last week an innovation workshop was held at ITC-ILO where we learned to apply some innovating techniques on our own courses. Some of the tools and techniques we would like to share:
Test yourself:
First of all take the creativity test to measure your creativity in 8 different areas. The result visualizes your profile, compared to others that took the test. You can do the test here.
Think in functions:
If you learn to think in functions you make abstractions from the immediate context. Do the exercise with : « How to get water out of a glass, without touching the glass« . Once you have the function right (cf. moving water) you can start to explore the knowledge database that will show you how many solutions were found related to the same function. In short: do not re-invent the wheel, take stock of what exists and choose new and innovative ways that will respond to your specific need (function).
More inspiration
In order to take stock of innovations in learning and training we invite the readers of this blog to contribute with their innovations. CREAX hosted a More Inspiration Catalogue with innovative samples. Maybe we can also host our own innovation museum in learning and training.
Innovate learning ideas welcome !
Some ideas ?
Speedreading/learning ? Subliminal learning & sleep learning? Augmented learning? Visual learning? Segmented learning? Under water learning?
Lifelong E-Learning and new technologies
e-Learning, News / par DELTA has launched the fourth edition of Lifelong E-Learning. In the upcoming weeks a group of 15 international participants will explore the educational landscape of new learning technologies in a collaborative way. Interesting practices that result from this group and that are relevant for this blog will be shared. If you want to know what the course is about, you can consult the screencast below.
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Learning through Communities of Practice- A selection of tools
e-Learning / par the notion of Community of Practice (CoP) has been one of the most used concepts in the domain of learning, training and knowledge sharing. While a lot of references are made to original articles of the founding father Etienne Wenger, through this article we would like to compile key essential resources which might be useful if you are going to design and develop a community. Being a focal point for high-level in-service training and providing related services focusing on the development of human resources, ITCILO has been actively working in the design and development of communities of practices focusing on sharing knowledge throughout international networks of practitioners.
Here below you find a list of resources in different format we created or compiled from other organizations and institutions.
Communities of Practice: Learning as a Social System
This quick info sheet is part of the Share, Learn, Innovate Toolkit developed for OHCHR focusing on the following quick questions: What is a community of practice? When to use it? What technology?
Communities of Practice: Linking Knowledge, Policy and Practice
This background note by S.Hearn and N. White provides background information regarding communities in the Web 2.0 era and provides a series of considerations with reference to creating communities within and across organizations.
Turning conversations into Collaboration
This presentation looks at the key ingredients, with particular emphasis on the role of the community facilitator for building trust and cooperation, enabling conversations to become active collaboration and co-production. See in particular, facilitation mechanisms, levels of engagement, community archetypes.
Click on the image to enlarge
Cultivating Communities of Practice: A quick Start-up Guide
This visual inforgraphic developed by Etienne Wenger provides in a nutshell the key steps which are necessary to follow to design, build and maintain a community.
UNDP Communities of Practice Guide
By focusing on chapter 6 of this presentation you will capture the main steps for community development, including a practical example of a CoP action plan in a development institution.
UN Millennium Campaign – 2010 Review
News / par[youtube=]
Visualizing with Infographics
Innovation, Tools for Learning / par graphics are visual representations of information, data and knowledge. It is an ideal instrument to present or communicate complex information in a simple way. This makes it also a useful tool for learning and training. It quickly conveys knowledge and it engages viewers.
In comparison with the mindmapping technique the visual factor of infographics is more important. It includes usually visual elements such as signs, charts, maps, or diagrams that enhance comprehension of a given text-based content.
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Using backchannels in learning events
Innovation, Tools for Learning, Training / par is currently contributing to a learning event on South-South cooperation in Cartagena, Colombia. To explore new formats of organizing events we want to try out the backchannel. As the name suggests it’s an additional channel of communication which takes place in the background to the main channel which in the case of learning events is occupied by speakers or panels of experts The backchannel is projected at a second screen next to the main screen where participants can send messages, comments, feedback or questions.
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The After Action Review (AAR) – capturing knowledge
Training / par After Action Review is a structured facilitated process that can be used to debrief an activity or event to analyse what happened, why it happened, and how it can be done better by the participants who were involved in the activity or project. This method can be considered either as a knowledge management tool or a performance improvement tool. Both stimulate a culture of accountability.
The four basic steps of an AAR :
a day in the internet
News / par by Online Education
Augmented reality
Innovation / par first blogpost of 2010 wants to look into the already present future through exploring the potential of augmented reality. It consists in a mix of elements from the real physical world with elements from a virtual computer generated world. Through these virtual elements the reality is augmented in real-time. Tom Caudell, a Boeing researcher defines it as following: « Augmented reality is the interaction of superimposed graphics, audio and other sense enhancements over a real-world environment that’s displayed in real-time. » For a lot of learning professionals this may sound quite technical. This is why we introduce the following movie which explains some practical learning applications based on augmented reality.
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