E-Learning Africa

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Last week ITC-ILO participated in the annual E-Learning Africa conference, held in Dakar this year. It is the opportunity to share the latest insights and trends on technology enhanced learning used in projects all over Africa. 1315 participants from 85 different countries ensured a rich input and interesting conversations. DELTA moderated and presented at two sessions, focusing on game-based learning and on designing, developing and managing virtual learning environments.

elearningafricaSome of the highlights of e-learning Africa we would like to share with you in this blog:

Improving TVET through ICT-based Information and Learning Solutions, hosted by UNESCO-UNEVOC

Open ECBCheck. A new accreditation and quality improvement scheme for E-Learning programmes and institutions in international Capacity Building. It supports capacity building organisations to measure how successful their e-learning programmes are and allows for continuous improvement though peer collaboration and benchlearning.

The growing importance of mobile learning in e-learning Africa, hosted by expert John traxler.

Last but not least it was interesting to see that there is a growing interest of different UN agencies to participate in the larger E-Learning Africa debate (among the participating institutions > UNEP, UNITAR, FAO, UNU, ITC-ILO)


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