On innovation and creativity

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To innovate yourself you need to be able to see the same things through different eyes (perspectives). Last week an innovation workshop was held at ITC-ILO where we learned to apply some innovating techniques on our own courses. Some of the tools and techniques we would like to share:

Test yourself:

First of all take the creativity test to measure your creativity in 8 different areas. The result visualizes your profile, compared to others that took the test. You can do the test here.

Think in functions:

If you learn to think in functions you make abstractions from the immediate context. Do the exercise with : «How to get water out of a glass, without touching the glass«. Once you have the function right (cf. moving water) you can start to explore the knowledge database that will show you how many solutions were found related to the same function. In short: do not re-invent the wheel, take stock of what exists and choose new and innovative ways that will respond to your specific need (function).

More inspiration

In order to take stock of innovations in learning and training we invite the readers of this blog to contribute with their innovations. CREAX hosted a More Inspiration Catalogue with innovative samples. Maybe we can also host our own innovation museum in learning and training.

Innovate learning ideas welcome !

Some ideas ?

Speedreading/learning ? Subliminal learning & sleep learning? Augmented learning? Visual learning? Segmented learning? Under water learning?

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Tom Wambeke
14 years ago

Additional excellent toolkit on creativity methods and tools http://creatingminds.org/ Thanks @Gaurisalokhe