Knowledge Management

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Knowledge Management and Knowledge Sharing are re-current themes that emphasise the importance we put on «the learning organisation» (Peter Senge). DELTA is currently involved in several interesting Knowledge Management Initiatives. Last year we started to give input in the KM series of United Nations Staff College «Think UN, act smart». This resulted in a series of interesting workshops  facilitated by Staff College and  Geoff Parcell and Chris Collison.  (Learning to Fly, Practical knowledge management for leading and learning organisations ). This year we will collaborate with the the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights on a KS toolkit that will institutionally enhance the use of knowledge sharing methodologies and technologies. This collaboration will also result in a tailor-made workshop titled: «From knowledge management towards knowledge sharing».

Based on these experiences you may expect in this blog more articles on knowledge management and knowledge sharing in general, to broaden the scope of learning and training in the framework of organisational development.

If you are interested in tailor-made training for your institution in knowledge management and knowledge sharing or if you want to receive a series of KM resources, feel free to fill in the following form.

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