Green Gamification @ITCILO: Using Mobile Devices to Take Action in a Playful Way

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Gamification refers to:

the use of game mechanics, such as points, badges, leader boards and challenges in non-game settings.

As part of its Innovation mandate, DELTA has been experimenting with Gamification for Learning methods: from face-to-face methodologies towards integration of game elements into online learning modules and courses. In particular, we identified the potential of game elements to better engage learners and involve them throughout the learning experience.

Have a look at, which is the online portfolio were you can access the different projects.

Why gamification@ITCILO?

Games are suited to change the world for the better. Renowned author Jane McGonigal points out, “When we are playing games, we are tapping into our best qualities, our ability to be motivated, to be optimistic, to collaborate with others, to be resilient in the face of failure”. Therefore, games can also be a vehicle to promote green behaviours. The synergy between gamification and sustainability is based on the fact that, like gaming, greening is largely a social action that triggers an emotional response. Innovative companies and organizations recognize the opportunity to use “green gamification” to create shared value for individuals, communities and the environment.

As part of our gamification portfolio, in 2015 ITCILO partnered in the launch of Mobilize.Life, a mobile application suitable for building and deploying mixed-reality serious games. Developed for the purpose of “serious games” (crisis response training, security simulation exercises), Mobilize.Life can also have a number of fun applications for table-top exercises, team building events and peer-to- peer learning.

At ITCILO we decided to explore the use of mixed-reality and mobile supported games with a focus on “green behaviours” and therefore engaging staff on Campus in better understanding the reasons for environmental action and encourage them in adopting green behaviours such as correct waste management and recycling, green commuting or wiser energy consumption.

Watch the video below to have a snapshot of our experience:

Video credits: Andrea Agostini
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