Audioblogging ?

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A lot of colleagues expressed their interest in blogging lately but had some concerns on the ‘time’-issue. I do agree that time is always a challenge and will integrate in the future blogposts some ideas that take time into account. The first idea is audio-blogging. Writing an article is time-consuming but what about recording audio-posts? Some ideas:

– interviewing subject matter experts who come to our Centre as resource persons
– document best practices and success stories of participants in their own words
– create mini audio sessions which are related to the course content
– let participants record mini audio journal entries with lessons learned from the training
– have people introduce themselves with a small audio file in the beginning of our on-line courses

(ideas inspired by Michelle Martin)

Audioblogging might be something to consider, especially if recording is even possible with your own mobile phone. This week we have planned to interview Marc Steinlin who will be facilitating the Open Space at the upcoming LED-conference. This audio blogpost will be available soon.

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