Practical use of participatory learning methodologies
/After reviewing the statistics of this blog we discovered that blogposts related to facilitation methods are most popular. Among them are posts about ‘world cafe‘, ‘fishbowl‘, ‘open space‘ and ‘peer assist‘. Last year the LED conference was organized at the Centre (LED = Local economic development) and used in a systematic way a lot of these participatory methodologies. To illustrate this we integrated an overview of the methods that were used in the LED conference. In this way you can see how these learning techniques are applied in practice.
Hi Tom,
a document that describes 10 methods (World Cafe, Open Space… also Appreciative Inquiry, Deep Democracy…) to promote ´dialogue´ is «Dialogue Project V2.0c.pdf», downloadable from
One of the authors is Marianne Knuth, founder of Kufunda Learning Village in Zimbabwe (
We use it in the Belgian/Flemish VVOB-Zimbabwe ‘Quality Education and Vulnerability’ programme in 14 Teacher Education Colleges (
Thanx for your excellent work – and sharing it with us.