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Sharing practical experiences between employer organisations is an important component of the courses organised by the Programme for Employers’ Activities. Why?

  • Because even in the best libraries there isn’t a book about how to strengthen employer organisations;
  • Because we want participants to go back to their organisations with tools ready-to-be-implemented;
  • Because we believe tutors and participants are part of the same “employers’ world” where each of us has something to learn from the others as well as something interesting to share.

Tutors own experiences in employer organisations are crucial. Case studies can also be presented. But how to make experience-sharing lively, informative and focussed so that we remember it and then apply it?

by Jeanne Schmitt

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SecondLife and the Social Sector

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SecondLife (abbreviated as SL) is an internet-based virtual world launched in 2003 developed by the Linden Lab. Already more than one million people registered themselves and created their own on-line character (called an avatar). It is not really an on-line game because there are no rules to follow or points to win. It’s rather a copy of the real world which allows you to interact with other residents (avatars) all over the world. Businesses set up virtual companies offering real services, universities and training institutions set up on-line campuses with conference rooms and auditoriums. So far SL has been used mainly for communication and marketing purposes. Although some organisations are getting more out of it:


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