Innovation/ por
Open Space Technology (or methodology) is a self-organising method that can be used to run meetings for a diverse public in order to address complex topics.
My experience in OS is very limited, that is why I rely a lot on picking the brains of those who do this type of facilitation for a living. There are also some good websites like this one recommended by Tom 13:08:312017-10-31 14:54:37Facilitation method: Open space methodology/technology
Innovation/ por
Human capital
Let’s start with bit of maths. Three open courses a year (on average, per trainer) and 21 participants (on guesstimate) per course. That’s around 63 people, almost as many nationalities and professional backgrounds. Year in, year out, multiplied by the number of trainers on campus (how many, 40, 50?), that makes for a lot of people…
These people, their knowledge and experience, constitute one of the main asset of the international courses we run on the ITCILO campus. And our training methodology, the famous Turin Learning Approach (yes, it is famous, isnt’it?) is largely based on getting the most of this incredible human capital.
For some time now, I have included in my programmes specific sessions dedicated to participants exchanges. But I wanted to go a little further, and in particular, I wanted to remember these exchanges and I wanted that the participants themselves remembered them. So I thought about filming them.
One of the first test examples you can find here.. More extended examples will be presented later. 14:39:082017-10-31 14:51:25Filming and sharing participants exchanges – part 1.
Innovation/ por
During several training sessions we have tested out the ‘Peer-Assist’-technique to let participants identify challenges and share experiences. The best way to introduce you to the specific methodology is to watch the following movie.
This animation is based on the peer assist methodology as outlined in the book Learning to Fly – Practical Knowledge Management from Leading and Learning Organisations by Chris Collison and Geoff Parcell (Capstone Publishing, 2001, 2004).
Yugma is a web-collaboration service that enables people to connect over the internet to communicate and share content and ideas using any application or software.
«Yugma» is a word from the Sanskrit language meaning “togetherness”, «the state of being in unified collaboration.»
Easy to use, free in its basic version, it allows on-line sessions with up to 10 remote connections, letting users conduct virtual meetings or “webinars”. The new 3.0 version integrates Skype. For free. Enhanced features (on payment; free for 15 days after registration) allow to use presentation tools and interactive whiteboard, to share files, run teleconferences, record sessions, share keyboard and mouse, schedule sessions and increase the connections (up to 500). But the basic free version is a great tool providing all the necessary features.
Innovation/ por
DELTA conducted a ToT-training on innovative and participatory facilitation methods last week for UN Peacekeeping in Brindisi. One of the used methods was called ‘World Café‘. It is a innovative methodology to host conversations with questions that matter. Basically you bring people together around café-style tables that are set in conversational clusters. Each table is hosted by a ‘facilitator’ which introduces a relevant question on the subject matter topic. The host visualizes together with the table members all the key ideas right on the table (which is covered with flipchart Paper).
Sharing practical experiences between employer organisations is an important component of the courses organised by the Programme for Employers’ Activities. Why?
Because even in the best libraries there isn’t a book about how to strengthen employer organisations;
Because we want participants to go back to their organisations with tools ready-to-be-implemented;
Because we believe tutors and participants are part of the same “employers’ world” where each of us has something to learn from the others as well as something interesting to share.
Tutors own experiences in employer organisations are crucial. Case studies can also be presented. But how to make experience-sharing lively, informative and focussed so that we remember it and then apply it?
A lot of colleagues have heard about RSS but so far did not use it on a daily base in function of their professional activities. RSS (Really simple syndication) can be explained in a really simple way. Therefore we invited you to watch RSS in Plain English.
[youtube=] Leer más
Screencasts have become a regular application in distance learning programs. They capture your screen, add audio narration and usefull comments and they fit for creating interesting demonstrations or hands-on tutorials. It is becoming a popular technique for spreading high-quality knowledge at a low cost. Beth Canter gives us four reasons to use screencasts:
* as standalone tutorials, software demos, or orientation
* to clarify complex technical concepts
* to capture organizational knowledge about critical procedures or to convey expert tacit knowledge
* for beta testing a web site or software interface
Innovation/ por
SecondLife (abbreviated as SL) is an internet-based virtual world launched in 2003 developed by the Linden Lab. Already more than one million people registered themselves and created their own on-line character (called an avatar). It is not really an on-line game because there are no rules to follow or points to win. It’s rather a copy of the real world which allows you to interact with other residents (avatars) all over the world. Businesses set up virtual companies offering real services, universities and training institutions set up on-line campuses with conference rooms and auditoriums. So far SL has been used mainly for communication and marketing purposes. Although some organisations are getting more out of it: 15:33:562017-10-31 14:39:38SecondLife and the Social Sector
e-Learning, News/ por
Online Educa, the International Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Training, is an international meeting point between e-learning experts to discuss the latest developments in the field: 2126 experts from 95 countries.
ITC-ILO Delta chaired a session on the innovational use of podcasting in learning and training practices. UN Staff College brought some UN agencies together to present the outline of the 1UN Bridge project. A multi year project aimed at enhancing the Organisation’s ability to manage learning and knowledge by fostering internal synergies. This project will allow learning managers across the UN system to deploy and manage more effective learning initiatives based on a wide range of tools and materials which reflect the vast experience and expertise of the UN. 14:08:432017-10-31 14:37:44Online Educa Berlin
Facilitation method: Open space methodology/technology
Innovation / por Space Technology (or methodology) is a self-organising method that can be used to run meetings for a diverse public in order to address complex topics.
My experience in OS is very limited, that is why I rely a lot on picking the brains of those who do this type of facilitation for a living. There are also some good websites like this one recommended by Tom
by Johanne Lortie
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Filming and sharing participants exchanges – part 1.
Innovation / por capital
Let’s start with bit of maths. Three open courses a year (on average, per trainer) and 21 participants (on guesstimate) per course. That’s around 63 people, almost as many nationalities and professional backgrounds. Year in, year out, multiplied by the number of trainers on campus (how many, 40, 50?), that makes for a lot of people…
These people, their knowledge and experience, constitute one of the main asset of the international courses we run on the ITCILO campus. And our training methodology, the famous Turin Learning Approach (yes, it is famous, isnt’it?) is largely based on getting the most of this incredible human capital.
For some time now, I have included in my programmes specific sessions dedicated to participants exchanges. But I wanted to go a little further, and in particular, I wanted to remember these exchanges and I wanted that the participants themselves remembered them. So I thought about filming them.

One of the first test examples you can find here.. More extended examples will be presented later.
by Nicolas Serrière
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Facilitation method: Peer Assist
Innovation / por several training sessions we have tested out the ‘Peer-Assist’-technique to let participants identify challenges and share experiences. The best way to introduce you to the specific methodology is to watch the following movie.
This animation is based on the peer assist methodology as outlined in the book Learning to Fly – Practical Knowledge Management from Leading and Learning Organisations by Chris Collison and Geoff Parcell (Capstone Publishing, 2001, 2004).
by Tom Wambeke
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A Web Collaboration tool
Innovation, Tools for Learning / por is a web-collaboration service that enables people to connect over the internet to communicate and share content and ideas using any application or software.
«Yugma» is a word from the Sanskrit language meaning “togetherness”, «the state of being in unified collaboration.»
Easy to use, free in its basic version, it allows on-line sessions with up to 10 remote connections, letting users conduct virtual meetings or “webinars”. The new 3.0 version integrates Skype. For free. Enhanced features (on payment; free for 15 days after registration) allow to use presentation tools and interactive whiteboard, to share files, run teleconferences, record sessions, share keyboard and mouse, schedule sessions and increase the connections (up to 500). But the basic free version is a great tool providing all the necessary features.
For registration, activation and use, the site is:
by Carlo Zampogna
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Facilitation method: World Café
Innovation / por conducted a ToT-training on innovative and participatory facilitation methods last week for UN Peacekeeping in Brindisi. One of the used methods was called ‘World Café‘. It is a innovative methodology to host conversations with questions that matter. Basically you bring people together around café-style tables that are set in conversational clusters. Each table is hosted by a ‘facilitator’ which introduces a relevant question on the subject matter topic. The host visualizes together with the table members all the key ideas right on the table (which is covered with flipchart Paper).
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Innovation, Tools for Learning / por practical experiences between employer organisations is an important component of the courses organised by the Programme for Employers’ Activities. Why?
Tutors own experiences in employer organisations are crucial. Case studies can also be presented. But how to make experience-sharing lively, informative and focussed so that we remember it and then apply it?
by Jeanne Schmitt
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e-Learning, Tools for Learning / por[youtube=]
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e-Learning, Tools for Learning / por have become a regular application in distance learning programs. They capture your screen, add audio narration and usefull comments and they fit for creating interesting demonstrations or hands-on tutorials. It is becoming a popular technique for spreading high-quality knowledge at a low cost. Beth Canter gives us four reasons to use screencasts:
* as standalone tutorials, software demos, or orientation
* to clarify complex technical concepts
* to capture organizational knowledge about critical procedures or to convey expert tacit knowledge
* for beta testing a web site or software interface
[slideshare id=31246&doc=screencasting-for-nonprofit-6807&w=425]
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SecondLife and the Social Sector
Innovation / por (abbreviated as SL) is an internet-based virtual world launched in 2003 developed by the Linden Lab. Already more than one million people registered themselves and created their own on-line character (called an avatar). It is not really an on-line game because there are no rules to follow or points to win. It’s rather a copy of the real world which allows you to interact with other residents (avatars) all over the world. Businesses set up virtual companies offering real services, universities and training institutions set up on-line campuses with conference rooms and auditoriums. So far SL has been used mainly for communication and marketing purposes. Although some organisations are getting more out of it:
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Online Educa Berlin
e-Learning, News / por Educa, the International Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Training, is an international meeting point between e-learning experts to discuss the latest developments in the field: 2126 experts from 95 countries.

ITC-ILO Delta chaired a session on the innovational use of podcasting in learning and training practices. UN Staff College brought some UN agencies together to present the outline of the 1UN Bridge project. A multi year project aimed at enhancing the Organisation’s ability to manage learning and knowledge by fostering internal synergies. This project will allow learning managers across the UN system to deploy and manage more effective learning initiatives based on a wide range of tools and materials which reflect the vast experience and expertise of the UN.
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