Social Networking

Connect and collaborate


Social networking connects individuals or organizations around similar interests and internet-based tools to communicate. Sites offer access to an enlarged network of people, connecting them across regions and time zones. Most social networking sites involve creating a user profile, inviting contacts to your network, creating blog posts, having discussions and sharing resources. Create groups using established sites (like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) or create a subject specific site using free software like Ning.


How to use it

  • Publish or share content.
  • Promote learning activities and provide knowledge in context.
  • Form communities of practice to discuss issues and collaborate.
  • Build a participant network, establish professional connections and utilise an expert network

How to apply it

  • Use online in Phase 1 of the Turin Blended Learning Approach (Introductions, building common knowledge and course preparation):
    • Build group dynamics through participant introductions or pre-event dialogue.
    • Recruit participants and experts (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, blogs).
    • Share best practices and get inspired for new course material.
  • Use online in Phase 3 (Extend duration, reach and impact of activities):
    • Build a community of interest around your activity theme.
    • Use Twitter and YouTube to feedback results of a learning event.
    • Announce future learning activities on various networks.
    • Use Twitter for quick updates and questions and answers.

Social networking tools:

  • Microblogging: Posting small pieces of digital content – text, pictures, links, short videos, or other media – on the Internet. Microblogging allows groups of friends and professional colleagues to frequently update content and follow each other’s posts, creating a sense of online community. Organizations are using Twitter as a tool for external communication, continuous dialogue with their stakeholders and promoting their mission statement.


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