UN Staff College initiated a United Nations knowledge campus last week in order to share knowledge and experiences on technology enhanced learning in the different UN agencies. The on-line campus hosts a catalogue of e-learning courses available within the UN system and highlights some interesting e-learning exhibits. This week several discussions will be organised on specific topics including:
– The pedagogical potential of blogging.
– Serious gaming as learning and development.
– Learning in the Web2.0 area. Integrating social software in blended learning programmes.
– Developing a LMS in UN system organizations. Best practices.
– Techniques to deliver real added value in the web2.0 area.
e-Learning, News/ par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/
Last week ITC-ILO participated in the annual E-Learning Africa conference, held in Dakar this year. It is the opportunity to share the latest insights and trends on technology enhanced learning used in projects all over Africa. 1315 participants from 85 different countries ensured a rich input and interesting conversations. DELTA moderated and presented at two sessions, focusing on game-based learning and on designing, developing and managing virtual learning environments.
https://blog.itcilo.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/377830-636190612926411830-16x9.jpg10801920wambekehttps://live-blogitcilo.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/itc-ilo-blog-logo-small.pngwambeke2009-06-08 12:17:142017-11-02 15:20:04E-Learning Africa
While working on the CoMPASS (the ITC-ILO in-house toolkit on learning methodology and technology) DELTA has been reviewing several toolkits. For this blogpost we would like to highlight one of them. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation launched a knowledge management toolkit for knowledge sharing and learning, called « Dare to Share« . More than 20 useful methods are explained and can be applied at personal, team and organisational level. Several of the methods have been blogged already here (Peer Assist, Open Space) but the site will give you additional techniques for learning and training with a specific emphasis on knowledge sharing. Are you aware of any other interesting toolkits? Let us know.
https://blog.itcilo.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/compass.jpg14122126wambekehttps://live-blogitcilo.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/itc-ilo-blog-logo-small.pngwambeke2009-04-30 09:21:212017-11-03 14:15:52Dare to share
Mobile voice and data communication is more and more accessible and affordable in developing countries. Only in Africa there are more than 280 million mobile phone subscriptions. People who had never access to a phone landline, a computer, or a car own now a mobile phone. Organisations take this communication channel serious and start to connect :
– The UN Foundation recently published an inspiring report on m-Health for Development titled: The opportunity of Mobile technology for Healthcare in the Developing World.
– Unicef Innovation launched a platform for data collection, logistics coordination and communication allowing any mobile phone to interact with the web.
– Kiwanja.net specialises in helping out organizations to use mobile applications for social change. Frontline sms and NgOMobile are good illustrations of this.
– MobileActive is a growing community that documents interesting practices on how to effectively use mobile phones for social change.
Participatory 3D modelling is a relatively new communicative facilitation method designed to support collaborative processes aimed at facilitating participation in different areas (problem analysis, decision making, collaborative planning, …). The 3D models can be used to visualize knowledge and ideas among participants.
« Originally they were used to assist practioners in enhancing the capacities of marginalized, isolated, and frequently natural resource-dependent communities to deal with spatial data and to communicate with the outside world on a peer tot peer basis » (source: IAPAD). The general principles of this method can be transfered and adapted to our own learning and training context. In a recent training Crash Course for new-comers we used 3D design to model the planning phase of a facilitation process.
e-Learning/ par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/
Networks are powerful tools for sustainable development. In the scope of this learning and training blog we would like to stress the importance of networks in learning and training. This blogpost would like to highlight the « Work the net – a management guide for formal networks » from GTZ. Based on a general framework on networks it would be interesting to explore three questions :
– Why could a networks be important for learning and training?
– What are the structural and operational issues in order to make a learning network work?
– What is the difference between a social network, a community of practice (CoP) and a formal network and how can we integrate them in our learning and training activities?
Mindmapping has been mentioned several times in this blog. This blogpost wants to go a bit more in depth based on several requests we got from colleagues. It is a method for learning in which participants utilize a specific process to recognize both the content and the structure of their thinking. Let’s explore some concrete uses of mindmapping in a ITC-ILO context.
Picture: mindmap technique used in a course on wage policies
https://blog.itcilo.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/Corporate-Learning-Network-2-1024x449.jpeg4491024wambekehttps://live-blogitcilo.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/itc-ilo-blog-logo-small.pngwambeke2009-03-02 10:41:342017-11-03 14:17:44map your mind
UN e-learning Kampus
e-Learning, News, Tools for Learning / par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/UN Staff College initiated a United Nations knowledge campus last week in order to share knowledge and experiences on technology enhanced learning in the different UN agencies. The on-line campus hosts a catalogue of e-learning courses available within the UN system and highlights some interesting e-learning exhibits. This week several discussions will be organised on specific topics including:
– The pedagogical potential of blogging.
– Serious gaming as learning and development.
– Learning in the Web2.0 area. Integrating social software in blended learning programmes.
– Developing a LMS in UN system organizations. Best practices.
– Techniques to deliver real added value in the web2.0 area.
Go to www.unkampus.org and join the discussion !
E-Learning Africa
e-Learning, News / par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/Last week ITC-ILO participated in the annual E-Learning Africa conference, held in Dakar this year. It is the opportunity to share the latest insights and trends on technology enhanced learning used in projects all over Africa. 1315 participants from 85 different countries ensured a rich input and interesting conversations. DELTA moderated and presented at two sessions, focusing on game-based learning and on designing, developing and managing virtual learning environments.
a cloud of relevant itc-ilo tags
News / par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/Dare to share
Tools for Learning / par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/While working on the CoMPASS (the ITC-ILO in-house toolkit on learning methodology and technology) DELTA has been reviewing several toolkits. For this blogpost we would like to highlight one of them. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation launched a knowledge management toolkit for knowledge sharing and learning, called « Dare to Share« . More than 20 useful methods are explained and can be applied at personal, team and organisational level. Several of the methods have been blogged already here (Peer Assist, Open Space) but the site will give you additional techniques for learning and training with a specific emphasis on knowledge sharing. Are you aware of any other interesting toolkits? Let us know.
mobile learning
e-Learning, News, Tools for Learning / par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/Mobile voice and data communication is more and more accessible and affordable in developing countries. Only in Africa there are more than 280 million mobile phone subscriptions. People who had never access to a phone landline, a computer, or a car own now a mobile phone. Organisations take this communication channel serious and start to connect :
Shift happens
Innovation, News / par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv8pmIr3a7k]
Facilitation method: participatory 3D-modelling
Tools for Learning / par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/Participatory 3D modelling is a relatively new communicative facilitation method designed to support collaborative processes aimed at facilitating participation in different areas (problem analysis, decision making, collaborative planning, …). The 3D models can be used to visualize knowledge and ideas among participants.
« Originally they were used to assist practioners in enhancing the capacities of marginalized, isolated, and frequently natural resource-dependent communities to deal with spatial data and to communicate with the outside world on a peer tot peer basis » (source: IAPAD). The general principles of this method can be transfered and adapted to our own learning and training context. In a recent training Crash Course for new-comers we used 3D design to model the planning phase of a facilitation process.
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e-Learning / par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/Networks are powerful tools for sustainable development. In the scope of this learning and training blog we would like to stress the importance of networks in learning and training. This blogpost would like to highlight the « Work the net – a management guide for formal networks » from GTZ. Based on a general framework on networks it would be interesting to explore three questions :
– Why could a networks be important for learning and training?
– What are the structural and operational issues in order to make a learning network work?
– What is the difference between a social network, a community of practice (CoP) and a formal network and how can we integrate them in our learning and training activities?
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map your mind
Tools for Learning / par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/Mindmapping has been mentioned several times in this blog. This blogpost wants to go a bit more in depth based on several requests we got from colleagues. It is a method for learning in which participants utilize a specific process to recognize both the content and the structure of their thinking. Let’s explore some concrete uses of mindmapping in a ITC-ILO context.
Picture: mindmap technique used in a course on wage policies
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Training / par https://blog.itcilo.org/fr/author/wambeke/