Shift happens
What does it all mean for ITC-ILO in the way we should design and deliver training?
What does it all mean for ITC-ILO in the way we should design and deliver training?
Participatory 3D modelling is a relatively new communicative facilitation method designed to support collaborative processes aimed at facilitating participation in different areas (problem analysis, decision making, collaborative planning, …). The 3D models can be used to visualize knowledge and ideas among participants.
« Originally they were used to assist practioners in enhancing the capacities of marginalized, isolated, and frequently natural resource-dependent communities to deal with spatial data and to communicate with the outside world on a peer tot peer basis » (source: IAPAD). The general principles of this method can be transfered and adapted to our own learning and training context. In a recent training Crash Course for new-comers we used 3D design to model the planning phase of a facilitation process.
Networks are powerful tools for sustainable development. In the scope of this learning and training blog we would like to stress the importance of networks in learning and training. This blogpost would like to highlight the « Work the net – a management guide for formal networks » from GTZ. Based on a general framework on networks it would be interesting to explore three questions :
– Why could a networks be important for learning and training?
– What are the structural and operational issues in order to make a learning network work?
– What is the difference between a social network, a community of practice (CoP) and a formal network and how can we integrate them in our learning and training activities?
Mindmapping has been mentioned several times in this blog. This blogpost wants to go a bit more in depth based on several requests we got from colleagues. It is a method for learning in which participants utilize a specific process to recognize both the content and the structure of their thinking. Let’s explore some concrete uses of mindmapping in a ITC-ILO context.