Open Educational Resources for development

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EDUCAUSE recently published an article on seven things you need to know about Open Educational Resources. A nice reminder to highlight the importance of learning materials that are freely available for use, mixing and redistribution. This can include any educational material (textbooks, e-learning modules, course readers or other learning content).


For capacity building training institutes it might be useful to have access to these digital repositories. This blogpost sums up a series of important OER initiatives that can be consulted and where open educational resources can be downloaded for free.

Wikiedukator : turning the digital divide into digital dividens by given access to open content and networks

The wiki of the UNESCO OER community

OER Africa : building Africa education openess through OER

Zunia Knowledge exchange : Open Educational Resources for development professionals

MIT Open Courseware : more than 1900 courses available in different disciplines

Free Learning Resources from the Open University UK.

MERLOT : Multimedia educational resources for on-line learning and training.

Hewlett Foundation : open educational resources

Any other interesting initiatives that promote access to interesting digital open content, relevant in a development context ?

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Chahira Nouira
Chahira Nouira
14 years ago

There is the UNU OpenCourseWare portal that gives free access to some courses ( A great place where you can find discussions and reflections about OER is the Open Thinking Blog ( by Alec Couros.
You also might want to check on «80 Open Education Resource (OER) Tools for Publishing and Development Initiatives»
And I wanted to share a story about OER by Anthony F. Camilleri (SCIENTER)( that has been recorded during the first meeting of the OPAL initiative (

Bob Schwallie
Bob Schwallie
14 years ago

I am a student at Walden University and also a corporate trainer. Do you see this technology being used in the business sector. Also, do you have any contacts or suggestions to explore this further?

Thank you
